
男,湖南郴州人。复旦大学教授(二级)、博士生导师。2000年浙江大学生物科学与技术系本科毕业,2003年获浙江大学生物物理硕士学位,2006年获复旦大学遗传学博士学位。2006-2014年先后在美国加州理工学院(Alexander Varshavsky教授)、康奈尔大学医学院、哈佛大学医学院/波士顿儿童医院(Hao Wu教授)从事博士后研究工作。2014年加入复旦大学生命科学学院,目前任上海市工业菌株工程研究中心副主任,遗传工程国家重点实验室课题组长,复旦大学附属华山医院双聘教授。 科技部国家重点研发计划“蛋白质机器与生命过程调控”重点专项(2016)及“病原学与防疫技术体系研究”重点专项(2021)首席科学家;入选上海市优秀学术带头人(2020),国家海外高层次人才计划(2015),上海市‘东方学者’特聘教授(2014)。 共在Cell、Immunity、Nat Commun、PNAS、Mol Neurodegener等国际著名期刊上发表SCI论文85篇,通讯作者33篇,他引4000余次;以第一发明人获授权发明专利12项。近年来以项目负责人身份主持科技部国家重点研发计划(2项)、国家自然科学基金(4项)及上海市科委创新项目在内10余项科研项目。任中国细胞生物学会细胞死亡研究分会常务委员、上海市生物物理学会理事。



  1. Geng L, Gao W, Saiyin H, Li Y, Zeng Y, Zhang Z, Li X, Liu Z, Gao Q, An P, Jiang N, Yu X, Chen X, Li S, Chen L, Lu B, Li, A, Chen G, Shen Y, Zhang H, Tian M, Zhang Z*, Li J*. MLKL deficiency alleviates neuroinflammation and motor deficits in the α-synuclein transgenic mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. Molecular Neurodegeneration 2023 Dec 1; 18:94; doi: 10.1186/s13024-023-00686-5 

  2. Gao W, Li Y, Liu X, Wang S, Mei P, Chen Z, Liu K, Li S, Xu XW, Gan J, Wu J, Ji C, Ding C, Liu X, Lai Y, He HH, Lieberman J, Wu H, Chen X*, Li J*. TRIM21 regulates pyroptotic cell death by promoting Gasdermin D oligomerization. Cell Death Differentiation 2022 Feb;29(2):439-450. 

  3. Mei P, Xie F, Pan J, Wang S, Gao W, Ge R, Gao B, Gao S, Chen X, Wang Y, Wu J, Ding C, Li J*. E3 ligase TRIM25 ubiquitinates RIP3 to inhibit TNF induced cell necrosis. Cell Death Differentiation 2021 Oct;28(10):2888-2899. 

  4. Gao W, Li Y, Zhang T, Lu J, Pan J, Qi Q, Dong S, Chen X, Su Z*, Li J*.  Systematic Analysis of Chemokines Reveals CCL18 is a Prognostic Biomarker in Glioblastoma.J Inflammation Research 2022 April 28; 15:2731-2743 

  5. Chen Z, Li Z, Hu X, Xie F, Kuang S, Zhan B, Gao W, Chen X, Gao S, Li Y, Wang Y, Qian F, Ding C, Gan J, Ji C, Xu XW, Zhou Z, Huang J, He HH, Li J*. Structural basis of human helicase DDX21 in RNA binding, unwinding, and antiviral signal activation. Advanced Science 2020 Jun 8;7(14):2000532. (Inside Front Cover) 

  6. Mompeán M#, Li W#Li J#, Laage S, Siemer AB, Bozkurt G, Wu H, Mcdermott A. The Structure of the Necrosome RIPK1-RIPK3 Core, a Human Hetero-amyloid Signaling Complex. Cell 2018 May 17;173(5):1244-1253. (#: co-first author) 

  7. Kleino A, Ramia N, Bozkurt G, Shen Y, Nailwal H, Huang J, Napetschnig J, Gangloff M, Chan FK, Wu H*, Li J*, Silverman N*. Peptidoglycan-Sensing Receptors Trigger the Formation of Functional Amyloids of the Adaptor Protein Imd to Initiate Drosophila NF-kB Signaling. Immunity. 2017 Oct 17;47(4):635-647.

  8. Kuang S, Zheng J, Yang H, Li S, Duan S, Shen Y, Ji C, Gan J, Xu XW, Li J*. Structure insight of GSDMD reveals the basis of GSDMD autoinhibition in cell pyroptosis.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Oct 3;114(40):10642-10647. 

  9. Yin Q, Fu T, Li J*, Wu H*. Structural Biology of Innate Immunity. Annual Review of Immunology 2015 Mar 21; 33:393-416. 

  10. Li J, McQuade T, Siemer A, Napetschnig J, Damko E, Hsiao Y, Moquin D, Walz T, Mcdermott A, Chan FK, Wu H. The RIP1/RIP3 Necrosome Forms a Functional Amyloid Signaling Complex Required for Programmed Necrosis. Cell.2012 Jul 20;150(2):339-50. ESI高被引论文,Highlighted by Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol00001. 



  1. Wang X, Jiang S, Jiang S, Li X, Ai J, Lin K, Lv S, Zhang S, Li M, He X, Li D, Li C, Zhao C, Zhao X, Qiao R, Cui Y, Chen Y, Li J, Cai G,Li J*, Dai L*, Hu Z*, Zhang W*, Zhang Y*, Wang P*.Neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 BQ.1.1 and XBB.1.5 by Breakthrough Infection Sera from Previous and Current Waves in China. Cell Discovery 2023 Jun 27; 9(64)   

  2. Bao L, Hu J, Zhan B, Chi M, Li Z, Wang S, Shan C, Zhao Z, Guo Y, Ding X, Ji C, Tao S, Ni T, Zhang X*, Zhao G*, Li J*. Structural insights into RNase J that plays an essential role in Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNA metabolism. Nature Communications 2023 Apr 20; 14:2280. 10.1038/s41467-023-38045-z

  3. Wang S, Gao B, Chen A, Zhang Z, Wang S, Lv L, Zhao G*, Li J*. Structural analysis of the housecleaning nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase MazG from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Frontiers Microbiology 2023 Mar 1;14:1137279. 

  4. Zhan B, Gao Y, Gao W, Li Y, Li Z, Qi Q, Lan X, Shen H, Gan J, Zhao G*, Li J*. Structural insights of the elongation factor EF-Tu complexes in protein translation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Communications Biology 2022 Oct 3;5(1):1052. Hu Z, Zhang C, Wang S, Gao S, Wei J, Li M, Hou L, Mao H, Wei Y, Qi T, Liu H, Liu D, Lan F, Lu D, Wang H*, Li J*, Wang Y*. Discovery and engineering of small SlugCas9 with broad targeting range and high specificity and activity. Nucleic Acids Research 2021 Apr 19;49(7):4008-4019.

  5. Duan S, Gao W, Chen Z, Li Z, Li S, Gan J, Chen X,Li J*. Crystal structure of human archease, a key cofactor of tRNA splicing ligase complex. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2020 Mar 29:105744. doi: 10.1016/j.biocel.2020.105744. 

  6. Li Z#, Li L#, Huo Y, Chen Z, Zhao Y, Huang J, Jian S, Rong Z, Wu D, Gan J, Hu X*, Li J*, Xu XW*. Structure guided protein engineering increases enzymatic activities of the SGNH family esterases. Biotechnology For Biofuels. 2020 Jun 15; 13:107.

  7. Chen Y, Liu H, Yang C, Gao Y, Yu X, Chen X, Cui R, Zhen L, Li S, Li X, Ma J, Huang Z, Li J*, Gan J*. Structure of the error-prone DNA ligase of African swine fever virus identifies critical active site residues. Nature Communications 2019 Jan 23;10(1):387. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08296-w. 

  8. Yang C, Wu R, Liu H, Chen Y, Gao Y, Chen X, Li Y, Ma J, Li J*, Gan J*. Structural insights into DNA degradation by human mitochondrial nuclease MGME1. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 Nov 16;46(20):11075-11088. 

  9. Liu H, Wang R, Yu X, Shen F, Lan W, Haruehanroengra, P, Yao Q, Zhang J, Chen Y, Li S, Wu B, Zheng L, Ma J, Lin J, Cao C, Li J*, Sheng J*, Gan J*. High-resolution DNA quadruplex structure containing all the A-, G-, C-, T-tetrads. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 Nov 30;46(21):11627-11638.


  • 中国海洋科学技术二等奖(2022),

  • 浙江省海洋科技进步二等奖(2021),

  • 复旦大学卓识杰出人才(2020),

  • 复旦大学金龙鱼合成生物学者奖(2020)、

  • 复旦大学生命科学学院院长奖(2017、2021),

  • 复旦大学复星医药奖教金(2016、2017、2020、2022),

  • 哈佛大学华人生命科学年度杰出研究奖(2013)。 

  • Chief Scientist of the National Key R&D Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology (2016, 2021) 

  • Shanghai Outstanding Academic Leader (2020) Shanghai Distinguished Professor Oriental Scholar (2014)

  • The Marine Science and Technology Award of Zhejiang Province (ranked second, 2020) 

  • Outstanding Talent Program--Zhuoshi, Fudan University (2020) 

  • Golden Dragon Fish Synthetic Biologist Award, Fudan University (2020) Fosun Pharmaceutical Award, Fudan University (2016, 2017, 2020, 2022)
